Thursday, December 30, 2010

Crossing over to 2011

I have been trying for days to come up with some great post that would end this year on some interesting note, a chuckle or two, or even an agreeing nod and a loud “uh-hu” yet all I keep coming up with is:             “            “ (nothing). So, while I sit here, in the middle of the hottest heat wave ever, my cousins laughing in the background, some Nollywood movie on DSTV and the funny dialog between the 2 most amazing women in my world (my gran and my mom), I think this is how I will end it:

In all my 23 years of life, I officially document this year as the most eye opening year ever.

As this year bows out and makes room for a new one, it leaves behind a wiser woman who has learned a lot from the trials and good times that came with it. The biggest lesson learned this year is: SOMETIMES EVEN YOUR WORST NIGHTMARES DO COME TRUE AND YET THE REAL TEST LIES IN HOW YOU STEP OUT OF THE STORM.

I come from a place that hurts. a place that has reminded me of a few things I would like to carry over into the new year:

Truth of the matter is:

• sometimes, things just don’t go the way we want them to.

• Sometimes our prayers take a little longer to be answered maybe to teach us better lessons and give light to a quality we are lacking.

• At times the simplest things in life tend to bring the greatest joy and the loudest laughs.

• Sometimes, the colour pink still seems much better then all the other colours.

• Sometimes cooking a home cooked meal – even if its just for one – makes a million things seem better.

• Sometimes, a glass of wine – a good one – can be very good company.

• Sometimes, the person we think least is listening, may be the only one hearing us the clearest.

• Sometimes, the people we love the most, hurt us the most.

• At times the people we trust the most, let us down the most.

Maybe the lessons are still coming. Maybe the last few hours of the year are yet to teach more “sometime’s” but until then, and more importantly is:

• Sometimes… just sometimes – the people we love the most, deserve the most chances!

And with a smile and a yawn and the newly realised silence that surrounds me…

• Sometimes, maybe its best I just get to bed!

From here on call me Ms Wiser… happy moving over to the new year and may it see many more blogs and a whole lot more laughter!



Thursday, December 23, 2010

FACT:Happiness is over rated!

I sat across the table and listened to one of my best gal pal go on about how she just wants to be happy and how she believes the new man in her life may just be the key to unlocking it. Two things crossed my mind: 1. She could be right. Judging from the hell she has been through lately, I would like to think that she has it coming her way – at least at some point. 2. Could that be where both she and I have lost the plot – thinking that when this one thing happens, we COULD just unlock the flood gates of on going happiness?

I fully recognise with my gal since im on the same sinking boat that she is to. I get her despret grasps at a life like she had planned while growing up and the hope she still has that it will all come through if this and that could just happen. But my pressing question is: could it be that this happiness thing that we all seem to strive after is actually over rated? Maybe it’s a simple concept that has been sold to us for way too long that we have lost all sense of common sense that would have eventually led us to this point… this point where we realise this was just an ad, a concept of someone’s imagination and as soon as someone yells “CUT!” then its all gone (back to our coping existence).

Don’t get me wrong. I am not on some path way to doom and gloom and I still stand in awe at how bright the sun seems to shine after a heavy storm. Where I am at right now, is at a point where I wonder if I (and so many of you) am not just chasing after some pot of gold at the end of a strangely diming rainbow. Look around you; do you not think that if this happiness thing where real in the intensity that we seem to believe, do you not think you would meet more people in the streets walking around with huge grins on their faces? I feel like the fact that we are still holding on to this doubtful concept, we miss the limited happiness that we really can milk out of these times. I think we are wasting so much time looking and searching that we miss the thing that we should actually be doing – enjoying that limited happiness that is actually owed to us!

My girl has other things that could bring her joy and while she likes those and enjoys them too, it is possible that she is missing out on a bulk of it because she is still waiting for this one event that could crack the whole “happiness” thing open. Im not saying she should not be... all I’m saying is that she should not be holding her breath just in case she fully passes out when it all seems like a waste of precious time!

And maybe… just maybe – its time I started taking my own advice!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Again! ..... *sigh*

Feels a lot like going round in circles…

Not sure where to end… Hell not sure where I started.

There is this need… this want… this essential I cant seem to fill and so I bring out the bottle of wine and ask an old friend to come join me. I feel another carpet night coming close and ever so easily decide to help it along before it actually happens and I find myself thrown there while I try to run the pretence show a bit longer. So I slip down and rest there – its gonna happen anyway *sigh*

I peer out the window from down here and wonder if the old friend has shown up yet. See, when all the normal does what it tends to do at times and lets me down, this old friend is always there to help ease the pain and the over whelming lighted headed feeling that accompanies these moments. Why does it have to come to these times? Is it a sign of a flaw in this thing I’m tryna do? Is it possible that regardless of all believe, this is actually not something that I should do or that should even happen? Tell me: why do I have to find me here so damn often?

Knock on the door…. Habit is here!

I find the last bit of strength left and open the door to him. It feels good to have him here… he thinks my jokes are funny…

“habit…” I call out while sitting on the carpet in the dark and the slight noise of the dimed tv images playing in the background ….

“yes…” he answers…

“ummmm…” I continue, “I have so much things that I don’t tell you. There is so much I wish I could tell you but im afraid of what you will say. Why is it though that you never demand answers when I call on you when im at this place? Why is it that you don’t think im pathetic and rediculouse for still slipping to this place even after so long?...”

“would you like for me to refill your glass?” habit asks without fliching at the list of heavy questions I just asked.

Honestly, things do tend to feel a whole lot better with the glass full, “yes please…”, I whisper not wanting to sound…

I have a problem, I silently think, I have this habit which is not really good yet find the most refreshing comfort from it when things are like this. Habit is there. Habit listens and habit never requires an answer or demand a reason for how things got to this place… AGAIN. He is here… always. He does not think I’m ridiculous for having made carpet moments normal. He supports it. Habit is forbidden though but damit he is here always!

You… you are so wrapped up in your world that you miss my pleadings for help. Yes, it has become way more then a discreet asking… I’m pleading and you cant even see it… so don’t you judge me for Habit…

“would you like another refill…” habit asks while letting me lie in his arms for a while!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Just another day....

*blink blink*

Beyond my deepest wishes, here I am once again. Sitting in the dark with just the TV on, a glass of wine and the company of an old friend – Habit! (it has been a while)

“how do I keep ending up here?”, I ask habit.

He just looks at me and shrugs and encourages me to refill my glass (it does feel a little better when the glass is full). I feel like a mess but strangely, the mess is encouraging because it reminds me that even super woman has a bad day once in a while except that this is starting to feel way more then ‘once-in-a-while’ *sigh*

Maybe the point is not to try stand up anymore. Maybe the point is to find a comfortable place right here and embrace the moments that lead me here – because really now, im sure they come with some lesson and good memories (the ones that get you all teary). Maybe the point is not to wonder why I occasionally find myself here but rather look forward to them cause hell, I know they are coming.

(habit nods his head in agreement)


So, is that what we decide habit?

Is this how it will be from now on?