Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lets start here

how many times have you over heard a group of woman going on and on about the things that really upset them? maybe even you, with your girls, have gotten together for some fun but ended up talking about what so and so did or how so and so makes you feel really angry, and, and, etc *insert more negetive feelings* ? (i know that im also so guilty)

it just all gt me wondering: why is it that as females, we tend to hold on to the things that hurt us the most?

we do!
think about it.
most of the times when women meet together, it is to compalin and moan about something that clearly hurts them and yet the conversation can carry on for hours. i have spoken to a couple of my girls and even though at times the conersation could be animated with a whole lot of laughter, but what happens when the thrill of the moment and the cosmo wears off? whoever has the issues walks around still with this thing - hate, anger.

is it possible maybe that our conversations could have a whole lot of laughter and dissing but more importantly with the encouragement to just let it go - esp. if there is nothing you can do to change the situation.

could we do that maybe?

(this will be my way to let go (writing) what will be yours?)

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