Then out of nowhere, one begins to close off
to the other. Maybe they are fearful, maybe they need to be in control, maybe
they are wanting more... so they stop giving. The other person may respond by
pulling away too. They may begin to mirror what the other is doing - mirroring the fearful person and in that way
they are bringing themselves down to that level… to protect themselves it seems.
And then a drama begins with both people fighting for affection, both unwilling
to give freely like before. One concludes to only give when the other
gives and take away as much as the other takes away…
But in unconditional love...
The person who is less fearful first says
"here - have the energy you want
from me. Take it"
Then they intern turn around and refill
elsewhere from other things they have happening in their lives – other things
that bring them that needed love and joy and completeness. They have no need to
fight for that limited source of love. And this means they can give freely
without expectation or need of receiving anything back. Sure, they too could
start getting a bit fearful and can’t help but want to mirror their partner but
this is unconditional love – it sets no conditions. It gives first and carries
on doing so. It flourishes when mutual but shines more when tested. That’s where
its strength is and so it grows…”